Privacy Policy

Updated in May 2018

This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) clarifies how PromoOcodes, Website (“PromoOcodes”, “us”, “our”, and “we”), gathers and uses data when you cooperate with us. This Privacy Policy applies to all clients of PromoOcodes’ site distributed at (and some other sites with “PromoOcodes” marking that connection to this Privacy Policy, including, without impediment,

It would be ideal if you read this Privacy Policy precisely. This Privacy Policy replaces and supersedes the last form of this Privacy Policy for all clients (counting for those clients that enlisted preceding the Effective Date). On the off chance that you don’t consent to our practices, kindly don’t enroll, subscribe, make a record, or generally connect with the Services. Your utilization of the Services is likewise subject to our Terms of Use.


Our Privacy Policy is organized as follows:

  • Types of Personal Information We Collect
  • How PromoOcodes Collects Personal Information
  • How PromoOcodes Uses Personal Information
  • When and Why PromoOcodes Discloses Personal Information
  • Cookies and Related Technologies
  • Your Choices
  • Accessing and Correcting Personal Information
  • Security of Personal Information
  • Privacy Practices of Third Parties
  • Communities


  1. Types of Personal Information We Collect

Individual Information will be data that can be utilized to recognize, find, or contact a person. It additionally incorporates other data that might be connected with Personal Information. We gather the accompanying sorts of Personal Information:

Contact Information that permits us to speak with you, for example, your name, postal locations, email addresses, online networking site client account names, phone numbers, or different locations at which you get correspondences from or for PromoOcodes.

Relationship Information that helps us to comprehend who you are and what sorts of stores, items, and commercials you may like. This incorporates way of life, inclination, and interest data. the sorts of coupons that interest you. data gathered from online networking cooperations, (for example, by means of Facebook Connect). what’s more, demographic data (e.g., birth date, age, sex, postal district).

Exchange Information about how you connect with the Services, for example, the coupons you see and recover, the blessing cards you buy or offer by means of our Services, the computerized discounts that you assert, including duplicates of receipts that you submit. Other data about how you utilize our Services, email, different correspondences, and how you communicate with PromoOcodes’ shippers, business accomplices, and administration suppliers in the wake of cooperating with our Services, including, now and again, the things you buy from those vendors.

Area Information that permits us to occasionally decide your geolocation, for example, your area in respect to adjacent vendors or, your nearness inside a shopping center or store (e.g., almost a checkout, walkway, or passage) or your state/region, city, or neighborhood. It would be ideal if you see the Your Choices segment under the heading “versatile” for data on the most proficient method to restrict the Location Information that PromoOcodes may gather from the Services working on a cell phone.

Investigation Information about your utilization of our Services, for example, your IP address, access time, gadget ID or other extraordinary identifier (e.g., Android promoting ID or Apple IDFA), area name, screen sees, dialect data, gadget name and model, working framework sort, and your exercises on our Services.

  1. How PromoOcodes Collects Personal Information

We may approach you for Personal Information when you enroll, subscribe, make a record, or generally collaborate with the Services or contact PromoOcodes. For instance, you might be required to give us Contact Information or Relationship Information keeping in mind the end goal to enlist for specific administrations.

We gather Personal Information when you utilize our Services on one or a greater amount of your gadgets that connect with the Services. For instance, we may track the coupons you see, submit or reclaim by means of a desktop PC, the blessing cards that you buy from us by means of your cell phone, and the remarks you make to the gatherings, release loads up, dialog bunches, talk rooms or different techniques for correspondence that might be offered on or through the Services every once in a while (on the whole, “Groups”), or to those identified with our online networking pages or records. We utilize treats and related advances to gather data about your PC and your association with the Services and our business accomplice sites. You can read more about treats and different advances in the Cookies and Related Technologies area.

In the event that you utilize an online networking stage, a cell phone or other outsider strategy for correspondence to communicate with PromoOcodes or the Services, that stage may have a particular protection proclamation that administers the utilization of Personal Information identified with that stage. On the off chance that you have questions about the security and protection settings of your cell phone, please allude to guidelines from your portable administration supplier or the producer of your gadget to figure out how to modify your settings.

Every once in a while, we may likewise supplement Personal Information with data gathered from outsiders, including demographic data, data about your interests, and comparable data that the outsiders have gathered from different sources (which may incorporate examination information from outsider sites). For instance, we may gather data from outsiders to upgrade other data we have about you, to help us better comprehend you, to furnish you with focused promoting, and to generally improve the Services.

  1. How PromoOcodes Uses Personal Information

PromoOcodes utilizes Personal Information to Operate and enhances our Services. Give clients substance and notices over their gadgets for items and administrations from vendors, including coupons taking into account variables, for example, expressed and foreseen client interests, individual attributes, and area.

Assess qualification of clients for specific coupons, items or administrations.

Assess the sorts of coupons, items or administrations that might bear some significance with clients.

Track reclamation of coupons and perform a different examination.

Give client bolster, including to vendors or business accomplices.

Satisfy asks for PromoOcodes administrations.

Impact and give extra data that might bear some significance with you about PromoOcodes and highlighted vendors and business accomplices, for example, PromoOcodes news, exceptional offers and coupons, declarations, and showcasing materials. Send you update, specialized notification, redesigns, security cautions and bolster and authoritative messages administration releases, or promoting.

Give business notices when you touch base at, wait close or leave places.Surmise the area of the spots you visit regularly, decide your recurrence at these areas, and send warnings when you touch base at or leave those spots.

Give ads to you through the Services, outsider destinations, email messages, instant messages, portable push warnings, or different techniques for correspondence. Direct reviews, sweepstakes, challenges, or other limited time exercises or occasions supported by us or our accomplices.

Make client profiles that may contain derivations about clients, for example, age range, wage reach, sex, and interests.

To confirm records and movement, and to advance wellbeing and security on and off of our Services, for example, by examining suspicious action or infringement of our terms or arrangements and evaluating the relative hazard that a specific action (e.g., the buy or offer of a blessing card) might be unapproved or deceitful.

Permit you to apply for a vacation, post a video or sign up for unique offers from outsiders through the Services. what’s more, Complete different purposes that are unveiled to you and to which you assent.


  1. When and Why PromoOcodes Discloses Personal Information

We may share your Personal Information as required or allowed by law as depicted beneath. With subsidiary organizations (e.g., backups and different organizations possessed by or controlled by PromoOcodes) who may just utilize the Personal Information for the reasons portrayed in Section 3 above.

Our administration suppliers are bound by law or contract to secure Personal Information and are just permitted to utilize the Personal Information as per the terms of our administration concurrences with them. In some constrained cases, for example, for motivations behind exploring suspicious movement and evaluating the probability for misrepresentation, some of our administration suppliers may utilize the Personal Information that we give them to the reason for enhancing their own particular administrations.

PromoOcodes business accomplices or sponsors, as a major aspect of an offer, challenge, or other movement that is given by or in conjunction with PromoOcodes and its business accomplices and in which you have chosen to take an interest. For instance, on the off chance that you are alluded to PromoOcodes from a business accomplice’s site or through a welcome encouraged by or in conjunction with a PromoOcodes business accomplice, PromoOcodes may furnish that business accomplice with Contact Information and Transactional Information to approve the referral and to bolster the terms of the relationship amongst PromoOcodes and the business accomplice, which may permit such business accomplice to reach you straightforwardly and to publicize to you.

To impact a merger, securing, or something else. to bolster the deal or exchange of business resources. to uphold our rights or secure our property. To ensure the rights, property or wellbeing of others, examine extortion, react to an administration demand. On the other hand as expected to bolster inspecting, consistence, and corporate administration capacities. We may likewise unveil Personal Information to shield ourselves in suit or an administrative activity, and when required or encouraged to do as such by law, for example, in light of a subpoena, a reporting prerequisite or comparable lawful procedure, including to law implementation offices, controllers, and courts different nations where we work. In the event that PromoOcodes is included in a merger, procurement, or offer of all or a bit of its advantages, you will be advised by means of email and/or unmistakable notification on one or a greater amount of our Services of any adjustment in proprietorship or employments of your Personal Information, and also any decisions you may have with respect to your Personal Information. then again

We support PromoOcodes shippers and business accomplices to embrace and post protection arrangements. Be that as it may, the utilization of your Personal Information by such gatherings is represented by the security arrangements of such gatherings and is not subject to our control. When you interface with a PromoOcodes dealer or business accomplice, we urge you to peruse any protection arrangement they may have posted on their site.

  1. Cookies and Related Technologies

When you utilize our Services, we gather certain data via mechanized or electronic means, utilizing innovations, for example, treats, pixel labels, web signals, program examination instruments, and web server logs. As you utilize our Services, your program and gadgets speak with servers worked by us, our business accomplices and administrations suppliers to organize and record the intuitiveness and fill your solicitations for administrations and data. Extra data on the most proficient method to quit certain following elements is put forward in the Your Choices segment beneath.

The data from threats and related innovation is put away in web server logs further more in web threats continued your PCs or cell phones, which are then transmitted back to our Services by your PCs or cell phones. These servers are worked and the treats oversaw by us, our business accomplices or our administration suppliers.

For instance, when you get to our Services, PromoOcodes, and our administration suppliers may put treats on your PCs or cell phones. These treats may incorporate means for following your Transaction Information with a Merchant and may incorporate the following innovation from outside subsidiary system administrators like Link Share and Commission Junction. Treats permit us to remember you when you return and track and focus on your interests keeping in mind the end goal to give a redid experience. They likewise help us distinguish certain sorts of misrepresentation.

A “treat” is a little measure of data that a web server sends to your program that stores data about your record, your inclinations, and your utilization of the Services. A few treats contain serial numbers that permit us to associate your action with the Services with other data we store about you in your profile.

We gather a wide range of sorts of data from treats and different innovations. For instance, we may gather data from the gadgets you use to get to our Services, you’re working framework sort or cell phone model, program sort, area, and other framework settings, and also the dialect your framework utilizes and the nation and time zone of your gadget. Programs routinely send these sorts of data to web servers. Our server logs additionally record the IP locations of the gadgets you use to connect with the Services. We may likewise gather data about the site you were going by before you went to our Services and the site you visit after you leave our Services, on the off chance that this data is supplied to us by your program.


The Large data we gather utilizing treats and different apparatuses is utilized as a part of non-identifiable courses, with no reference to Personal Information. For instance, we utilize data we gather about clients to upgrade our Services and comprehend its activity and use designs. In different cases, we relate the data we gather utilizing treats and related advances with Personal Information. All things considered, this Privacy Policy represents how we utilize that data.


  1. Your Choices

We feel that you profit by a more customized experience when we know more about you and the sorts of coupons you like. Nonetheless, you can restrain the data you give to PromoOcodes, and you can restrict the interchanges that PromoOcodes sends to you.

You can deal with your email inclinations by signing into the Services through a desktop PC and exploring to the “Settings” page. You can likewise deal with your memberships by taking after membership administration guidelines contained in the business messages that we send you. You may subscribe to a few sorts of messages, and may decide to unsubscribe from others. You may likewise upgrade your membership inclinations every once in a while. On the off chance that you wish to quit getting offers specifically from PromoOcodes shippers or business accomplices, you can take after the quit directions in the messages that they send you.

Content to-Phone Feature

With certain coupon offers accessible on our sites, you might be given a choice to send yourself a SMS message containing a connection. A case of this element is appeared in the screen shot underneath. The connection will permit you to access from your cell phone the coupon offer you have chosen.

By clicking “Send this offer”, you approve PromoOcodes to utilize a programmed phone dialing framework to send you an instant message that contains a connection to the coupon offer you have chosen. Your consent to get this content is not a state of procurement. Be that as it may, message and information rates may apply. You speak to and warrant that any telephone number you enter has a place with you and is connected with a cell phone in your ownership. You can quit getting writings from PromoOcodes whenever by Contacting Usor by messaging STOP to 42767 from your cell phone. Check your administration bearer arrangement for your standard content informing charges.


  1. Accessing and Correcting Personal Information

Keeping Personal Information about you current guarantees that we offer you the best coupons accessible for shippers and business accomplices. You can do a few things to keep Personal Information about you current. You can get to, upgrade and erase your Contact Information and the other data you gave us to use in your profile by signing into the Services by means of a desktop PC and tapping on the “Profile” join.

In the event that you need to close your record or have different inquiries or demands, or in the event that you might want to get to or ask for a redress to some other Personal Information we hold with respect to you, please Contact Us.

We will hold your data for whatever length of time that your record is dynamic or as expected to give you benefits. On the off chance that you wish to scratch off your record or demand that we no more utilize your data to give you benefits, Contact Us. Accordingly, we will scratch off or evacuate your data yet may hold and utilize duplicates of your data as important to follow our legitimate commitments, resolve question, and uphold our assertions.

  1. Security of Personal Information

PromoOcodes takes after for the most part acknowledged industry guidelines to ensure the Personal Information that you give. For instance, we routinely screen our framework for conceivable vulnerabilities and assaults, and we utilize a secured-access server farm. No strategy for transmission over the Internet, or technique for electronic stockpiling, is one hundred percent secure, be that as it may. Thus, there is no assurance that data may not be gotten to, unveiled, changed, or demolished by rupture of any of our physical, specialized, or administrative protections. On the off chance that you have any inquiries concerning our security rehearses, please Contact Us.

  1. Privacy Practices of Third Parties

This Privacy Policy just addresses the utilization and revelation of data by PromoOcodes through your connection with the Services. Different sites that might be available through connections from our Services may have their own security articulations and individual data gathering, use, and divulgence hones. Traders and business accomplices may have their own security explanations, as well. We urge you to acquaint yourself with the security explanations gave by these different gatherings before furnishing them with data or exploiting an offer or advancement.

  1. Communities

Our Services contain Communities and different zones where you might have the capacity to openly post data, speak with others, (for example, through talk sheets or online journals), audit coupons, items and vendors, and submit media content. Preceding posting in these regions, please read our Terms of User deliberately. All the data you post will be open to anybody with Internet access, and any Personal Information you incorporate into your posting might be perused, gathered, and utilized by others as a part of a way we can’t control. For instance, in the event that you post your email address alongside a remark disclosing how to reclaim a specific coupon, you may get spontaneous messages from different gatherings. We are not ready to control the utilization by outsiders of Personal Information you post to open zones of the Services. It would be ideal if you maintain a strategic distance from openly posting Personal Information. In the event that you have questions about Personal Information that you have openly posted in our Communities, please Contact Us.

We share information about products and services of 3rd parties and different selling websites. Our team tries best to provide you correct information, but they may be modified or withdrawn as per their terms and conditions. Please go through the complete offer before initiate your purchase. If you find some less or extra benefits in the deal, please on It may help other users.
We use affiliate links
We use affiliate links in the different content of our website. It helps to meet our expense and regulating our site along with employees.
Trademark use
All logos and trademark are the property of the respective third party, We just used the theme to help users to find the things in faster ways. The share of information does not mean that we have any partnership or endorsement with them.